Last weekend Liam Davie-Wright took part in the Scottish Swimming Young Volunteer Programme (YVP) 3-day residential up in Aviemore at Glenmore Lodge. The weekend was a chance for Liam to meet other like-minded young people with a passion for their club while developing leadership and communication skills. Liam has written a paragraph to share with everyone what he got up to last weekend.
“Over the weekend we took part in many activities. On Friday evening we played lots of games and icebreakers to get to know all the other individuals attending the YVP residential weekend. I was the only diver among many swimmers, but it was great to get to share my love for diving and hear about why they love swimming.
On Saturday we started the day with a walk outdoors around Glenmore lodge to get us moving and ready for the day ahead. The main focus of the day was working through 2 SCQF modules. During module 1 we did many activities which aimed to teach us both verbal and non-verbal methods of communication. This taught us how important having good communication skills are and how good eye contact & body language can impact the way we communicate. We also learned that how we word things can make a big difference in the way it comes across. For example, the tone and emphasis on different words in sentences can make the sentence mean very different things. Then in the afternoon, we did the 2nd SCQF module, and this covered goals and goal setting. We learned about the SMARTS acronym used to help with goal setting. Specific (be precise with what you are wanting to achieve); Measurable (goals should be tracked); Attainable; Realistic; Timed (goals must be achievable in a reasonable time), Self-determined (goals should be set by or have input from the individual they are for). Following this, we set some goals ourselves.
On Sunday we did a club-specific project and we had to pitch the project in a Dragons Dens style round table. This project was to come up with and plan an idea that I could take back to my club and also think of ways to ensure I can make it happen.
It was a really fun weekend and I’m looking forward to taking these skills I’ve learned back to the club and applying them to myself as an athlete and junior committee member.”
